Single CDs are $10.00 and multil-CD sets are $15.00. Free shipping on all orders.

Foolish Lovers
Lovers of Self, Money & Pleasures: Greedy, Coveteous & Lustful. Biblical warning.
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Horn Anointing
A vial of oil for Saul who proved unfaithful. A horn of oil for David the beloved.
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One Praying Man
Elisha the prophet is the best illustration of the extraordinary power of one praying man.
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Evangelism cannot occur where there is division. Offenses will come, but the emphasis should be on restoration!
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the Valley
Trapped by 3 enemy armies, praise brought angelic rescue! Don't stay home when you're in a battle!
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The Olive Press
Jesus experienced His greatest agony in this Garden, and every true follower will too.
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Psalm 91 is a handbook of security & protection for all who abide in El Shaddai. Angelic deliverers are active on our behalf!
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God's Power
The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate display of His power, but there's more than the empty tomb!
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John 15 & Isaiah 5 depict believers as fruit bearers & God as the vine dresser, looking for blue ribbon grapes!
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How to believe in hope when even hope is against you! Hope is the second stage of Faith...
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the Children
Parents can determine what their children will become. Stop speaking curses & speak blessings over your children!
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A love letter from the heart of our Heavenly Father & 2 Prophecies of Comfort.
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of a Christian
God allows us to face adversities but delivers us from all.
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of the Spirit
O.T. prophets received a specific measure of the anointing, but we can have the Spirit without measure!
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When you come to your breaking point, God's grace is more than enough! For you in severe trials.
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The incarnation of Christ:Glory relinquished as a human servant to glory restored at the resurrection.
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Complete Defeat
Jesus beheld Satan fall as lightning from heaven, and if you're in Christ, he's under your feet!
$15.00 Add to Cart Add to Cart
Jesus underwent a permanent change in nature to become our true High priest.
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Humans have 5 senses, but Spirit-filled Christians have 6! With the eye of faith we see the invisible!
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Marital problems, contemplating divorce? Sound, scriptural counsel from God's Word.
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Join Jeremiah at the potter's house for 7 steps necessary to create a vessel for the Master's use
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God is here for you, and so are we. Please allow us to unite our faith with yours before the Lord.
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